Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009

I asked Justin if he wanted to have a party tonight and he said "sure!" He did the decor {leftovers from his birthday} and I made us pizza. We spent the evening reading books, watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory {the new one}, playing games and just hanging out. It was nice.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

snow 3 ways

My street looked like this at 8:30 am. Not too bad actually.I took the long way out of the neighborhood to avoid a steep hill and noticed this impressive snowman. He was at least 7 feet tall!
Most of the snow was gone by the drive home, but when we got home Justin wanted to play in the little that was left on the lawn. His mission was to stomp it - and apparently there is a very specific techniques in order to do this. He tried to teach me. {that package he has is from Nick and Molly - a "where the wild beers are" shirt}. Yay!
After stomping out the snow Justin noticed a pile a few houses down and got his shovel and spent quite a while scooping and playing. And notice his boots? Those are his, as I like to call them, fuggs {aka: faux Uggs}, and they are awesome.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I change my mind

What I thought was just a skiff... turned into about 4 inches. It also turned into a 4 hour commute home! FOUR HOURS!The snow storm seemed to catch the whole city by surprise today. Snow was not in the forecast. The 32 degree temps we had for most of the evening made everything super slick. All the roads, going every where were gridlocked. As I made my way down I-205 North the traffic heading the other way was simply not moving. At least my side was moving - and for that I was greatful. I slid down my street just after 9:30 tonight.

bring it on

It started to snow this afternoon. Just a skiff. Just a tease.

Monday, December 28, 2009

another Starbucks picture

Got the following pic and message from Jason today:
"White coffee" and white mini-donut at Bucks... All we need is some snow!!I for one am going to resolve in 2010 to stop giving Starbucks so much of my money.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

the sugar train

Justin and I built and decorated this gingerbread train today. He was more into eating the decorations though.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

425 tiny pieces

My mom got Justin a SpongeBob lego kit for Christmas and it involves 425 very tiny pieces. Justin had a blast playing with the little characters and the dialogue he had going on between them was hilarious. I actually had a lot of fun with the legos too!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Cat naps

Harlow is crashed out in my favorite nappin' spot.

Lucy was very happy to have her favorite napping spot back.

Merry Christmas!

Justin got very very spolied by Santa this year!

He was so into his new train stations that it took him all morning to get to all his presents because he just wanted to play.

Here he is {in the freezing cold} taking his first spin in his truck. It has a working FM radio and will go 5 mph.

Justin was very sweet and handed me the gift he got for me first thing and wanted me to unwrap it before he dove in. I think he was a little overwhelmed by it all.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Had to scrape the car windows this morning.
I really do need to get the garage cleaned up so I can park my car in there.
Today Justin had his annual doctor's exam. He weighs in at 37 pounds (fully clothed with shoes and hoodie on) and is 43.5 inches tall {3 feet 7.5 inches). He is the 5oth percentile for weight and 75th for height. Everything looked good! Dr. Scott always recommends flu shots and for this year the H1N1 vaccine as well. I hate the idea of needles and shots, but knew what needed to be done. I also sucked it up and got the vaccines as well. (last year I was a wuss and got the nasal spray vaccine - won't make that mistake twice and knew a shot was the only way to go) So we each got 2 shots {one in each arm}. They gave me my H1N1 shot first with Justin watching. When he realized he was next he started to cry. The did both of his shots at the same time and when it was all over he kept saying "no, no, no, no!" He wasn't happy. Then I got my 2nd shot - and I must say... the stick of the needle isn't bad - it's the sore arm that is the problem. I have bruises on both arms and feel like I got slugged real good. Justin doesn't seem to have the bruises and doesn't seem sore either, which makes me very happy. After our shots we went and ate tacos and finished some Christmas shopping.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

packages with bows

Justin insisted that every single package under the tree had to have a bow.
He pulled every last gift out from under the tree and put a bow on it.

Justin is beside himself with excitement! He shakes the presents. He rearranges the presents. He took this present to bed with him tonight. It is the one he wants to open on Christmas Eve. He tucked it under the covers and slept with his hand on it. I know what Santa has up his sleeve for Christmas morning and I am also beside myself with excitement for my little boy!

Monday, December 21, 2009

night owl

On Sunday and Monday nights I stay up WAY to late. Justin is with Jason, and with the house to myself I stay up - but then I regret it in the morning.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

j u s t i n

Caught Justin today using the mini license plate with his name on it to help him spell his name in fridge magnets. He needed help finding a letter T, but otherwise did this on his own.

Chex Mix

My favorites to pick out of the mix are the pecans and the wheat chex {especially the ones that are really coated with the seasoning goodness}.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Baby Ryan

Did a photo session for Auntie and Uncle today. This is baby Ryan who they will be caring for until summer. He is 15 days old and just a little bundle of perfection. I took over 400 photos and have been sorting through the pics for awhile now. This is the third newborn I have taken pics of this year and with each session I get better and better results. I had a hard time picking just 3 favorites to post here.

Friday, December 18, 2009


I participate in the annual holiday ornament exchange at work and today was exchange day. Lisa my fellow work baker drew my name and picked the most ideal ornament for me! I love love love it! It could not be more perfect for me.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

picky eater

I make at least one of these, but usually two, a day. Justin eats a jelly sandwich on the way to day care each morning and often has one in the evening as a snack.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

preschool at Starbucks

One of Justin's favorite things to do with his Dad is to go to Starbucks and do flashcards.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

the candy cane man

This looks more festive than the actual intention. This is actually a stock pile of "swords" - Justn stocks my pocket with candy canes to and then want to "fight."

Saturday, December 12, 2009


One of the many wonderful things about making fudge is licking the spatula and scooping the left over bits from the pan. Yum!

Friday, December 11, 2009

reach high, think big, work hard, have fun!

Every once in awhile when we are not watching Spongebob - we catch an episode of The Imagination Movers. Justin always enjoys it, the songs are catchy and in general the show is totally non-annoying. I had a thought in the back of my mind to check to see if they ever play live shows. But I never did. Then on Monday while listening to the radio I heard a mention of The Movers coming to Portland, on Friday! I hopped on line to investigate and scored 2 fourth row floor seats. I was excited and worked to pump Justin up about it all week. He thought we were going to go see a movie, and never having seen a show like this I can understand why he thought that. I didn't bring my camera and this was the best shot I was able to get with my phone. Justin seemed to enjoy himself, and the highlight for him was when during one of the last songs they threw lots of inflated beach balls out in the audience. One finally came our way at the very end, I hit it up in the air and it came back at us and Justin caught it. He got to keep it and was very excited. This show was one of the best things I have seen. These 4 guys put on one great gig for kids and parents. And Mover Dave {in the red hat} it pretty darn cute to boot.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Beat dat light.

Pretty much every time we are in the car Justin will spot the traffic lights and let me know what I need to do.
If the light is green, he chants this:
go, go, go, go, beat dat light, beat dat light, beat dat light...
yeah! you beat dat light. good job!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

it's brrrr freezin'

It has been so cold! But sunny. Which is weird and plays tricks on your mind. It looks warm, but oh it is so not.
Justin went shopping today with Jason and just had to get me something. He picked out this brown stocking cap for me. He was insistent that I had to have the brown one! My little boy knows me well and he was so excited about it. He called me at work to tell me he got me something and could not wait to give it to me. Awwwwww!
And as I am sitting here posting this he comes running up to me and says "you are a stinky girl."

Monday, December 7, 2009

it's still fake

The tree is 95% decorated. But it is still fake. It is pretty, but it is fake. Whenever I see a real tree stapped to the top of a car I want to go hunt down the perfect tree too. I got a killer deal on my fake tree after Christmas last year, but I am a real tree girl.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

countdown with chocolate

Every morning Justin dives into his advent calendar. This was something I just loved as a kid. And keepin' it real....
I am literally tripping over Christmas decorations that still need to be put up and toys, toys and toys. I can't seem to get ahead of the mess. I am trying to conquer too much. I want to organize clean things up, but that doesn't really work when you add 5 tubs of holiday decor to the living room. Somethings gotta give and right now it is my sanity.

Friday, December 4, 2009

soft spot

The kitties are going to be broken hearted when I fill the bottom of the tree with presents - there sure seem to love the soft tree skirt.