Thursday, May 26, 2011


I pretty much love taking pictures with my iPhone.  I am especially fond of the square format I get when I use the Instagram app.  My poor Canon is very neglected these days. 

Monday, May 23, 2011


I have been waiting for the leaves to pop on the tree out front.  Finally!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

green eggs no ham

Last night we read Dr. Suess - Green Eggs and Ham.  Justin asked about green eggs and I told him I could make his some.  He was interested and reminded me in the morning that he wanted green eggs.  He ate them up, I guess they were good.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lego gym

Justin's skills with Legos far surpass anything I could ever create.  Here he made a gym complete with a treadmill and weight lifting stations. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

over grown

Wow!  Time to deal with my mess.  If I had a lawnmower this wouldn't be a problem - but I don't - and I am not entirely sure I want to buy one.  The yard is actually 99% weeds, including a lot of moss, and it really needs to be totally re-done.  I got out my big sheers and started hacking a path away while formulating an actual plan of attack. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

kindy registration

Today was kindergarten registration day at what will be Justin's new school.  Since the orientation started at 2:30 in the afternoon I left work early and sprung Justin outta pre-school after care early. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


We took a walk last night because it was a beautiful day.  Justin kept spotting dandelion puffs and saying "I see another wish!"  He was wishing for Legos.  No surprise there.  An alien invasion mother ship Lego to be precise.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

what you find when the garage is clean

1025 Ziploc sandwich bags!  Obviously I had no idea I had more than enough because the messy garage made it hard to see what I had.  I am well stocked up now!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

play day

Super productive day today. I was awake was sooner than I wanted to be because my nose was stuffed up and running at the same time and I was coughing. Plus I had plans to clean out the garage (to get the HOA off my back about my roommate parking his car on the street). And let's get real... the garage has been on my to-do list for.ever! I got 'er cleaned up a lot faster than I expected and then Justin and I got dressed because we had tickets to see "How I Became a Pirate" at the children's theater downtown.

Justin enjoyed the show {or at least it seemed like he did}. Then we went to Freddie's because Justin was asking for light up shoes. The fact that he wanted "real shoes" and is favoring them over flip flops is a good thing. So he got some light up sketchers that he loves and actually wears.

Awesome Saturday!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

my fave

The dogwood outside of Justin's school is blooming. 
They are my most favorite!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Fill this can with things that start with your specific letter.  Bring it back to share with the class.

Monday, May 9, 2011

bossy cat

I pulled into the garage at the end of the day and turn the car off, but stay in the car listening to something on the radio.  Paxil jumps up on the hood of the car and starts screaming at me in meows.  I imagine he was saying "get out of the car and get me my evening treat now!" 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

hangin' out

We went to the pet store today, just because, and I spotted this little lizard hanging from the mesh above his cage.  I thought it was so cool.  I put my iPhone right up to the glass and snapped away. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

Today the preschool had a Mother's Day Tea. When I arrived Justin greeted me at the door with a hat he had made for me {yellow paper, flowers, duct tape} and then he showed me to a seat and left. Once all the moms were there the kiddos came out for a performance. They sang "if you are happy and you know it".
Next up was snacks that we ate on the floor.  It was super sweet and way cute.  Justin was a little emotional about the whole thing.  He was on the verge of tears.  He would not look at me during the performance at all.  I remember those grade school performances well and I wasn't a fan either.  But he did really good.

This is Jack, Justin's best buddy at school.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Here we are around mile 3.5
We crossed the finish at:
2:25:45 (Justin)
2:25:46 (Cheyenne)
2:25:47 (me)