Sunday, February 28, 2010

SUN day

The sun was streaming in the windows today and everyone wanted the warm sunny spot on the chair. 
The nice light also led itself to good photo taking, so I snapped a  billion pics of my boy.
And later we went outside.  It was so beautiful out!  Justin stole a dandilion from the neighbors yard and planted in our yard.  He is also a big fan of dafodils and since there are a ton of those popping up in the neighorhood we took many walks around today checking them all out.   
He picked all the ones I had in the yard.  He loves them!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

he has quirks and I love it!

The boy that hates shampoos has suddenly taken an interest in "washing" his hair.  Tonight after bath he took to the bathroom sink and got his hair all wet and then brushed it out.  He was all "you like me new style?"  "Do you love it?"  I like it a lot, but after it dries it curls right back up - which is super cute too.
 And later...  Justin headed to the kitchen to get a snack and appeared with....
...cheese grater, cheese and ranch in hand.  This Justin snack has not died, he still loves it.  The cheese HAS TO BE grated.  So we got some cheddar and grated it up and he dipped the shredded cheese into ranch and was happy!

Friday, February 26, 2010

if there ever was a doubt...

...that my boy was goofy - this proves it.
"Look mom! I got a BIG booger in my nose!"
Lovely Justin, just lovely!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

brought to you by the letter S

I brought my running shoes into work so that I could change into them and take lunch time strolls. I have taken two this week so far and it has been nice to get out of the office for a bit.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I have a baking problem

Last night I made double chocolate cupcakes topped with whipped ganache.  Tonight it was white chocolate chip cookies.  I took the cupcakes into work today and they got rave reviews.  These cookies were awesome!  I only baked up a dozen though, but there is a load of dough in the fridge just waiting.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I need to:  get a haircut, enjoy a pedicure, exercise more and eat better, bake less, finish my taxes, clean my garage, take a vacation, become more organized, have a better attitude....

I want to:  get tickets for Justin and I to see the The Lion King,  purchase my DMB tickets, go shoe shopping... 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

twinkle in his eyes

Justin has a mischievous twinkle in his eyes today. During this photo shoot he was jumping up and down screaming "cheese" with each jump. It was awesome!

Friday, February 19, 2010

check it out

After another Friday night dinner at Chipotle I wanted to take Justin to the toystore and encourage him to pick out a different "night night toy".  He wanted to go to Target instead and after picking up a few items in the dollar section we headed around the store.  He found more rubber spiky balls and I had to tell him that that was not what I had in mind.  {I am thinking something more of a stuffed animal in nature} - but I know that since he came up with this whole night night toy stuff on his own, that if he gonna switch... he needs to do it on his own.  THe rubber balls wouldn't be so bad, but they stink like plastic and are certainly made with chemicals.  He tucks the ball under this chin and falls asleep.  It is cute, but I move the ball after he falls asleep.  Long story short... we did not find a replacement toy tonight, but he did have fun checking out books.  And I did an incredible job not buying any of the yummy easter candy.  Cadbury eggs anybody?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

sunshiney day

Harlow found the little patch of sunshine on the stairs and was soaking it up. The sun was making her eyes glow.
The sun was streaming into the house this morning and it was so very welcome!  Its presence put us all in very good moods.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

technology baby

In case you were wondering what he was typing:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

5:30 PM

...and it isn't totally dark out yet! Three cheers for more daylight hours!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

happy heart day

-OMSI (Justin wasn't a fan)
-Lunch at Rock Bottom (disappointing)
-Voodoo Doughnuts downtown (possible 1 hour wait)
-Voodoo Too (they were out of what we wanted)

On the plus side, today was sunny and nice.  We made tortilla soup for dinner and had a good evening watching the Olympics.

Friday, February 12, 2010

he's my cupcake

Another awesome purchase, this little cupcake... I made Justin balance it on his head for me. No other reason than to be goofy and to prove that sometimes he does comply with my hair brained requests.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

be mine

If I had thought ahead, I would have figured out some kind of cute hand made Valentine's for Justin to make for his "school" friends. We went with store bought SpongeBob cards and I was planning on making some fun-n-cute chocolate dipped pretzels to go with them... but I didn't have/make time to do the pretzels.  I wish that they were planning a card exchange at daycare, but they aren't, so maybe that was why my motivation was lacking.    

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

dry or wet

Justin's hair is a the perfect length right now.  I love it.
I had to wash it tonight - he wasn't thrill with me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Justin caught his reflection in the pan on the stove and was giggling as he raised and lowered his arms.  Pretty silly.

Monday, February 8, 2010

guilty pleasure

Mondays are one of the best days of the week when The Bachelor is in season! 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where The Wild Beers Are

My Porter shirt got a lot of attention today. The two guys at the Verizon store thought it was very cool and couldn't stop talking about it and the dude at Starbucks said it was awesome and wanted to know where I got it.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

scenes from Target

We went to Target today to look a kitchen strainer and and a fish net - but we ended up with much more in our baskets.  Here at the end of an isle is all the "as seen on tv" stuff.  I was shaking my head in disbelief over the Snuggie made for your dog - and Justin was beside him self with finding the Touch-n- Brush, something he claims everytime the commercial comes on.  I can think of a lot of other things to spend my $19.95 on, so the Touch-n-Brush stayed right there at Target.

still keepin' it weird

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

what can I make that only takes 1 egg?

Justin wanted to make cupcakes, pretend cupcakes - or so I thought.  He put chocolate chips, flour and some milk into the Kitchen Aid and scooped his batter into the cupcake pan.  We put the tray into the cold oven and set the timer - but after a few minutes Justin was very bummed to discover that they were not rising.  He asked why.  Darn it!  I sugested maybe we make some cupcakes that will rise. But with only one egg in the house we had to get creative.  Luckily the recipe for these chocolate cupcakes only called for one egg and I was able to whip them up very quickly!  They were good and Justin was thrilled to see that they were rising.