Saturday, January 30, 2010

I still don't get it...

Welcome to the crime scene.
Red velvet cake.  2 full ounces of red food coloring and a lot of work.  I still think the cream cheese frosting I made to top the cupcakes was the best part of the whole thing.  I need to keep working on this.

Justin helped put the hearts on top.  He was very proud!  They sure are sweet looking things, but eat one and your tounge will be red.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Does this spell no?

I had my back turned working on dinner and I hear:
Mom!  Mom!  Does this spell "no"?
I was occupied and didn't turn around right away and again:
Mom!  Does this spell "no"?
It took a third time for me to turn around.
And when I did...
I had no idea he could spell and write anything other than his name.  I was so happy and impressed with him.  Time to start working on more words.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

we are not morning people

Every "school" morning after I wake Justin he asks to go back to bed on the sofa down stairs. He likes to be covered with the pillows and he lies curled up like this while I make his sandwich and get my lunch and the coffees together. Notice the "night night toy?" He now has 3 night night toy balls that he sleeps with.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

found in my coat pocket

Lately whenever we got ot he store Justin goes around and grabs a few of this little produce clips.  Last time we were at the store he put on in my coat pocket.  I found it today and it made me smile.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Shoes with flames on them make you go really fast!  Justin found these shoes during our jaunt through the mall yesterday, and he had to have them. 

I get a kick out of the fact that whenever we take a walk the kitties follow us.  You'd think they were dogs.  It was a really nice dry and sunny day today.  Hard to believe that it was January.  You could almost smell the beginnings of spring in the air.  It was really just a tease, cause we are't even close.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday night date

Justin and I hit up Chipotle last Friday night and again today. It is so easy to stuff my self silly on this stuff... it is so so good.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

that's a BIG no no!

When we are home Justin likes to have his fishy down on the coffee table.  It didn't take too long for one of the cats to take interest.  Good thing there is a lid on the the little tank.  Justin quickly noticed {after I snapped like 20 pictures} and came to the rescue.  He laid down the law and let Paxil know "that's a big no no!" - a cute little phrase he learned at daycare and employs with enthusiasm. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Last weekend when Justin was "feeding" these little fake berries and being very sweet about it I thought that he would love to have a fish. Something he could REALLY feed. So last night we hit up the pet store and adopted Ruby. He really wanted the smallest fish they had, but those were all aquarium fish and I was thinking more along the lines of a beta. Justin picked out the smallest, most pitiful one on the shelf - luckily the guy at the store talked him into one that was little more healthy. Justin was totally in love with his fish. He kept asking "fish love me?" And he very nicely introduced the fish to Paxil. Luckily the fish tank has a lid. And will be kept up safe from kitties while we are not home. But last night Ruby slept on the night stand next to Justin.

Monday, January 18, 2010


A few photos of Justin's day compliments of Jason.  I love getting sneak peeks into Justin's day.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

night night toy

For a reason I don't understand Justin has chosen this little spiky rubber ball as his "night night toy."  He picked it out at Freddies one night and came up with the term "night night toy" on his own.  But why can't he cuddle at night with one of his cute stuffed animals.  This ball has an unpleasant smell to it, so after he falls asleep I usually pull it away from being near his face.   

Saturday, January 16, 2010


The Score:  Justin 108, Me 92.  Yup!  He beat me!  And he had an absolute ball doing it too!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

caught in the act

Justin loves to dip spoonfuls of jelly out of the jar.  I always catch him chilling out with the jelly jar and spoon in hand.  His favorite flavor is black raspberry, seedless - of course!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Soap & Glory

Love this stuff!  The bubble bath is a favorite, and I just recently discoered the hair mask, which is the best.stuff.ever!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

sweet day

Justin has been super interested in making dinner, or his version of dinner. But today he decided that it was my birthday and he had to make me a cake. His recipe was flour, sugar and marshmallows. Topped with green sprinkles and a candle. He also wrapped up some presents for me to unwrap.   

Later we headed out with Rachel to do some cupcake shop R and D. We sampled around 8 different flavors.

vampires on tv after midnight + company =

Friday, January 8, 2010


Took the tree down today.  But I can't get it back in the box. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

your bread is yucky

This morning I made Justin his usual jelly sandwich. I changed breads last week to a lower calorie version that Justin ate all last week with no complaints. But this morning he declared that the new bread was yucky and that we needed new bread, so I told him we would buy different bread for him later.On our way home he remembered the bread and reminded me that we needed to get bread that wasn't gross. So we went to Freddies. He was adamant that he was going to choose the bread. He choose white bread - which ironically I think is yucky.

This boy is just loving our trips to the store. He also had to pick out another apple and had to get some Super Food juice. This pink "juice" cracked him up for whatever reason. But what cracked me up... were his shades.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Been climbing the 6 flights of stairs up to work as often as possible. 

Monday, January 4, 2010


This show is Twilight for big kids. Jamie and Scott got hooked on it last summer and raved about it, so when I saw it on DVD I snagged it up for a little evening entertainment. It does a good job of making you want more.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

eating more green

Got a box of pears, a bag of peppers and a bag of avocados while at Costco today. I hope we can eat it all before it goes bad. But I swear I am gonna eat better this year and with all these fruits and veggies around it won't be too hard.

Friday, January 1, 2010

an apple a day

Justin is on an apple kick and I fully support it. He likes to pick his apples out at the store and eat them as his bed time snack. A very good thing!