Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bonus Halloween pic

I love how you can see right through Justin in this picture. He looks happy spooky!

Happy Halloween!

I wanted to get a picture of Justin sitting next to the pumpkins we carved, but he insisted that I pose first. Then he took a turn, but the expression in his face says it all.... Halloween is not his favorite holiday. He's bringin' the scowl back.
Justin held out as long as he could before putting on his costume. Truth be told, I am surprised he actually put it on. He wouldn't look in the mirror with it on - or look at the one and only picture I got of him wearing it. After posing for the picture we went next door to trick-or-treat at Phillip's - they were not home right then and Justin high-tailed back to the house and the costume came off. He was done. He was not interested. He gets an A for effort though.
Back at home we got our first group of trick-or-treaters, I handed out the candy and asked Justin if he wanted to try trick-or-treating again. He did. But he wanted to do it like last year, wearing his normal clothes and the little back pack. We made the lap around the neighborhood, filled up his spider pail with lots of treats and then went back home to man our door.

Justin really enjoyed handing out the candy. I told him to give 2 pieces to the little kids and 1 piece to the big kids. He was very perticular about what candy each person got and that the 2 pieces were not of the same type of candy. Each time the doorbell rang he ran to the door. And many times he pulled the door open even before the kids had hit the doorbell.

Friday, October 30, 2009

New schedule and Halloween Eve

This week marks the end of my first full official 40 hour work week. The adjustment of getting up 2 hours earlier has been tough - especially considering it has been practically impossible to get to bed 2 hours earlier to compensate. I encouraged Justin to take a snooze at daycare {because I knew he could use it} - Uncle snapped a picture for me of Justin nappin'.Tonight we carved into our pumpkins and got the candy ready {I like to give away the good stuff}! It is really nice that Halloween falls on a weekend day this year.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin Cookies

This red beauty makes it all possible!

I made two batches of pumpkin cookies that I topped with cream cheese frosting. I think I ate a dozen {at least}. The rest will be going to work as my contribution to the Halloween festivities.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

let me in!

let me out {meow}
but 1 minute later... let me back in {meow}
but now I want out again {meow}

and repeat x3 over and over and over again!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I think it is about time to take Justin to the bowling alley for a game. He bowls near perfect games with his plastic set we have at home! And he knows what a strike and spare are {I think he learned that from playing bowling on the Wii though}.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

packed bag

Here is Justin all packed up and ready to spend a few days with his dad. He always slings the long bag strap over his shoulder and holds onto the smaller handles with his hands. Although I often question why I even pack a bag for him. He always comes home in the same outfit he leaves in :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

rake leaves

The mission and goal today was to get all the leaves cleaned up. There was nothing left to fall from the tree, the weather was great, it needed to happen. Justin was a big help and seemed to really enjoy raking the leaves into a pile. Had the leaves not been soaking wet from rain the night before I would have encouraged him to jump into the pile - and likely would have joined him.

Friday, October 23, 2009

playin' the DS

Justin loves playing his Nintendo DS!
The expression on his face is from a nose wiggle he has been doing for the past few days. I think he has either a tickle in his nose or a booger or something going on up there that makes him wiggle his nose around. This is by far better than than the alternative {a finger up the nose} - and is actually quite cute.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

early morning = an afternoon nap

This morning we had to wake up and leave the house about 3 hours earlier than normal because I had a meeting I needed to attend for work. When I got to daycare around 6:30 to pick up Justin - this is how I found him....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

hunting down bad guys

Apparently when you are hunting "bad guys" you have to do it shirtless.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I love to hear Justin say popsicle. It comes out sounds like "pop-pa-sicle" and is simply adorable. It was so cute in fact that he got to eat his poppasicle before dinner. I am a sucker for this boy!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

the sweetest thing

Today Justin spent some time with the broom brushing leaves off the sidewalk and onto the grass, then he had to "take a break". He is so darn adorable! He was actually acting a little sad here as he sat on the front step. In all actuality he was hungry and his favorite sandwich (jelly only on wheat, no crust) perked him right up.

Friday, October 16, 2009

If you give a boy a cupcake....

..he will put every single sprinkle in sight on it!
In this case they were super cool Halloween eye ball sprinkles!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Ick! All around the outside of the house big webs can be found with gigantic, 8 legged, creepy residents dangling from the middle. This one was hanging between the outside light fixture and the garage door. Looks like he caught himself a little dinner.

Spiders freak Justin out {I think} -"spider web! spider web!" he shouts, while doing a little jig which is cute as cute can be.
Also had to include a picture taken at daycare of Justin playing blocks with his friends.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The trees on the street are quickly turning. Justin noticed this morning as we were walking out to the car - he asked me what happened to the trees. As of this typing I can't remember what my asnwer was to his question.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Justin's day...

Not entirely sure where Jason took Justin today. Weeds, dirt, concrete wheels... - is this some sort of new park I am not aware of? I didn't ask but when I got these pictures on my phone but I certainly wondered. I asked Justin later if he had fun - he said yes. I asked him to tell me what he was doing in the pictures, his answers: "throwin' pinecones" and "rollin' that".

Later in the day I got this picture - it was haircut time. I did make a plee that Justin not get a full buzz cut, I know it grows back fast, but it is fall, kid needs a little hair.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

At the patch...

Looking for the perfect round pumpkin!

Justin was un-enthused about being at the pumpkin patch this year. It took him awhile to warm up to the idea of going in and hunting down a orange orb. It is also worth mentioning that Justin hates the Halloween isles at any store we walk into that may have harvest, fall, Halloween decor. He lets me know immediately that we need to leave that area of the store. He tears up pretty quickly at the site of the costume isle - poor baby! It is also worth mentioning that the transition from summer short attire into cool weather attire has not been a breeze. THis boy loves his flip flops, shorts and t-shirts. But I thought he today he was really rocking the camo pants, layered shirts and crocs!

Friday, October 9, 2009


The plan this evening was to meet up with Jamie for a quick dinner, pedicures, and maybe a little run through Target. Not in the plan was getting stuck in traffic on 205 {for no apparent reason - other than it was Friday at 6:00 p.m.}. After a quick dinner we walked past our fav nail salon to go get a little pick-me-up in the form of coffee a'la Starbucks. As we walked by I noticed the salon was empty, the "open" sign was lit though - I backed up to look that much to my surprise they close at 7:00 p.m. I look at my phone, it was 6:59! We stick our heads in, and again, much to my surprise and then amazement they let us come in. I know the 2 gals above were 1 minute from going home for the day - but they stayed and gave all three of us wonderful pedicures. Justin even got a little maincure, because he is so sweet. Little dude LOVED the attention. What a fantastic way to start the weekend!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go

This evening after I got dinner on, I went to the garage to clean the cat box and take the trash to the curb. Justin comes to the door (he had been playing with his trains and putting some train cars into his little backpack) and hollers... "mom, I goin' to work" and shuts the door. I go back in the house and Justin is as pictured. He was "going to work" and he wanted me to go with him. Apparently he works in the garage. And, his job is to make messes.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

sold out!

A few weeks ago, after reading many good things and on the encouragement of Amanda, I bought some Greek yougurt. Once you go Greek, you can never go back! Freddies doesn't stock a ton of this stuff and I have bought all they had the past few times I have gone. Sadly they were all out on my last trip, so I went to Trader Joe's (yeah! Trader Joe's) and bought a bunch!

Monday, October 5, 2009

the cure for the common cold...'s not chicken soup... it's a BLTA on wheat, no mayo, add munster cheese.

Friday, October 2, 2009

it is still blooming!

My clematis is still blooming. Not the bright dinner size blooms I had this summer, but smaller paler, cute little flowers.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I have on the hat that goes with the black cat Halloween costume that Justin asked me to get for him but refuses to wear. You can kinda see the pink little ear sticking up in the back. Something tells me he will be trick-or-treating as himself again this year.


I don't like fortune cookies, but I like getting a good fortune. There were a pile of leftover fortune cookies and the table in the break room at work. I busted one open and found this little gem of a fortune.

"You'll accomplish more later if
you have a little fun this weekend."