Thursday, April 30, 2009

Confession #1

This is my silverware drawer. As of late, when I unload the dishwasher I just grab all the silverware and dump it in the drawer. I can't be bothered to actually sort and put the stuff away in the designated section of the tray. This is usually because I am in a hurry and while I have no problem loading the dishwasher {it is like a puzzle - seeing how much I can cram in there} unloading the dishwasher, not high on my list of fun times. Eventually the silverware gets sorted, not always, but most of the time it gets put away correctly. Justin is actually a pretty good silverware sorter. I need to put him on silverware duty more often.

Tonight Justin helped me make dinner. It was very cute. He said "I help my mom" - and he put on an apron and grabbed the stool to come stand next to me and help. He added cut veggies the pan, worked the salt and pepper shakers and a few other things. I hope his desire to help lasts a long long time.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

watch where you step

At daycare today Justin got a cockroach attached to a piece fishing line. When I walked in the door to pick him up he "scared" me with it and after I screamed and ran he quickly told me "it not real!" He brought the bug home and it ended up on the kitchen floor - and more than twice when I caught sight of it my heart skipped a beat!
As predicted Justin really didn't want to go to "Uncles" today, but he sucked it up and {of course} ended up having a great day.
As for me... I really need to tackle some things on my to do list. Like finishing up the paperwork that I need to submit to the State of Oregon to get my tax refund. I have a nice bit of money coming back to me if I can prove that I paid for daycare. I called to see exactly what they needed and I am working on putting it all together. Not sure why I am procrastinating getting everything submitted. I think it is because I know that money is coming and it feels safe knowing it is on it's way and not in my account destined to be spent. If that makes any sense at all... so instead of blabbing on and on - I should probably plug in my printer and get that stuff printed. Or I could just waste some time on facebook... :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

nap time

If you ask Justin who his favorite kitty is, he will tell you adamantly that it is Lucy!
Jason took this picture and sent it to me via text message and isn't it just precious?! Justin has spent the last 2 days with his daddy and I know that he is not looking forward to returning to "school" tomorrow. Not that he doesn't enjoy his time at daycare, but it is always hard for him to go back after several days away.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Could I have been anyone other than me?

Could I have been a parking lot attendant?
Could I have been a millionaire in Bel Air?
Could I have been lost somewhere in Paris?
Could I have been your little brother?
Could I have been anyone other than me?
Could I have been anyone other than me?
Could I have been anyone?
He stands touch his hair his shoes untied tongue gaping stare
Could I have been a magnet for money?
Could have been anyone other than me?
Twenty three and so tired of life such a shame to throw it all away
The images grow darker still
Could I have been anyone other than me?
Then I look up at the sky my mouth is open wide lick and taste
What's the use in worrying, what's the use in hurrying
Turn turn we almost become dizzy
I am who I am who I am well

Who am I requesting some enlightenment
Could I have been anyone other than me?
And then I'll sing and dance I'll play for you tonight
The thrill of it all
Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes but I'll work it out
And then I look up at the sky my mouth is open wide lick and taste
What's the use in worrying, what's the use in hurrying
Turn turn we almost become dizzy falling out of a world of lies
Could I have been a dancing Nancy
A dancing Nancy
Could I have been anyone other than me?

~Dancing Nancies by Dave Matthews

Feeling blue today. Filled with anxiety. Feeling like life is hard. In a funk. I know how to pull myself out of this, I have done it before - but I don't want to. Not sure why. Just as happiness is a choice, feeling blue and down can be too. And that is what I am choosing right now. This is not a complaint, just a statement of my day and mood. I want to crawl into a hole and hide. Think and reflect. Last night as I was thinking that I wanted to be someone other than me {hence the DMB lyrics that popped into my head}. Actually just a non-anxious version of myself would be great. Some of the things that bother me are no big deal to other people and vise versa. But sometimes I wish I was a different. I wish that I didn't worry, that I didn't sweat the small stuff. That I could let things roll off and just go with the flow. But I am a worry wart, a dweller, I over-think, over-analyze. I am my own worst enemy.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

choo choo tracks

The house is a mess, must mean Justin is feeling better. Which is great!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

poor baby

In the ER waiting on some medicine. Trying to avoid dehydration. Poor baby.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


If there is one thing Justin hates it is having his hair shampooed! Here he is pouting after a wash. Gosh is he precious.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

good hair week

Here I am hard at work. Having a good hair day - no frizz, nice natural curls. Not sure how it happened.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I need a lawnmower and some fertilizer and probably some grass seed too. My back yard is a mess. It only got mowed like 3 times last year {thanks to my neighbor}. The house was on the market and I neglected it and since Philip mows my front yard when he does his {since they are connected} there was really no need for me to worry. But if I am going to be staying here {fingers crossed that I can} then I want to get the yard back into shape.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Staying in a hotel is fun!

After work we were beach bound, but not until after we picked up Jamie and Jimmy, went to Rachel's house, went to dinner, then to Starbucks and then Target... 9:00 PM we arrive in Seaside, Oregon. After getting to our hotel room we swimsuited up and hit up the hotel pool and hot tub. Justin loved it! I kept wishing I had taken my camera to the pool as the boys and us girls were having a blast. But here is a picture of Justin having a snack on the hotel bed.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

what Justin does with his Dad

I can't take credit for this picture, heck - I wasn't even there - I was at work. Jason sent this to my phone along with a few other pictures of Justin having fun at the track. Here Justin is practicing the shotput {with a tennis ball}. Justin had a fun day and was SO pooped out that night.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Happy Birthday

This balloon has nothing to do with my birthday. But it seems to have magical helium in it. It has been floating for about 2 months now.

Today I turned 33. I was in a funk. Jamie invited me to dinner and since Justin was with Jason for the day I took her up on the offer {even though I wanted to crawl into a hole}. I had so much fun! I met Jamie at the Olive Garden after work and Kelly was there {a surprise}, it was so nice to catch up with her. And then Rachel came! We had so much fun. It was a wonderful evening!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

getting ready for bed

This is what it looks like when Justin brushes my teeth and I take a picture of it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I need to tend to a few things

My toes, for starters... I had a wonderful pedicure less than a month ago. The polish just peeled right off of one toe last night and then I started picking at the others. So I need to tend to these gross toes. And the mess, oh Lord, the mess! My birthday present from my mom arrived {THANK YOU}, but the box and packing material is all over the place. Justin's toys, books, and what you can't see... the Cheerios! Justin made "cookies" last night. There are Cheerios all over the floor. And this is just the beginning of what I need to tend to. Moral of the story: A $65 pedicure is not twice as good as a $30 one. And, messes DO NOT pick up themselves!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny forgot the Cadbury Cream Eggs! He tried to find them, he really did.... Today we got a visit in the form of Grandparents! Lynn and Linda stopped by to give Justin some rainy day activities {color posters, soccer ball and net, flubber}. It was a nice visit. And tonight Justin and I are going to have ham, buttered baby potatoes with parsley, brown sugar carrots and jelly beans. Then I am going to watch the season finale of Rock of Love Bus with Bret Michael's - one of my fav reality TV shows. Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter egg dying

Today we met up with Jamie and Jimmy {as per usual}, we went to the mall to burn through some coupons from the portrait studio that were about to expire. The goal: to get a picture of Jimmy and Justin together. We ended up with some great shots of the boys and couldn't be happier. Then we came back to the house for a little bit of easter egg dying. Justin was very into it, Jimmy, not so much. And later, the park, where the boys rode bikes and played. We love the weekend!

Friday, April 10, 2009

big brother Paxil

Each year the Oregon Humane Society holds a pet photo contest, and each year I think about entering but never do. But I think I got me a winner right here?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

a little bit of spring

40 tulips! At work we participated in an Easter Seals fundraiser, where we could get a bunch of 10 tulips for $5. I got 5 bunches! I have orange tulips brightening up my desk at work and 40 pink and purple ones on my dining room table. Happy Spring!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

the anatomy of a sandwich

1 piece of bread
cut crust off
add a big dab of mustard {Jack Daniels Honey Mustard}
slap the pieces together
enjoy with a glass of cold milk and then run circles around the table

Monday, April 6, 2009

return of the water boy

Pulled out the hose for the first time this year! It was a beautiful 75 degrees out today. The sun felt so good.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

kitty cat trifecta number three

Perfect weather today! Had a house showing today and after I got the house in order {shoved messes in the closest drawer} we headed to the Home Depot for storage shelves. I am hoping that my loan modify will go through and we will be able to stay in our house. And we desperately need storage, so I added 4 new shelves to my closet. Why I didn't do this eons ago is beyond me, but I did it! We also really enjoyed seeing all the neighborhood come to life today! Lawns were mowed, flowers planted, yards spruced by one and all. Bring it on!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

let the sun shine in

It was a wonderful springy Saturday today. We bought and planted some geraniums, watched the neighbor {thank you Nancy} mow our back yard, cruised the neighborhood, visited with neighbors and enjoyed the sun - among other things.

Friday, April 3, 2009

it's scentsational!

My first Scentsy party was last Saturday and the first order arrived on my front porch today! Justin helped me sort the order. He climbed right into the box! I have no idea how I am finding the time to do this. I like it {a lot} but one needs more hours in a day to do it all. Justin couldn't wait to bag the orders up and deliver them to the neighbors. He knocked on doors of our neighbor party goers, but no one was home. Guess they are gonna have to wait until tomorrow for their scentalicious-ness.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

oh no!

Today is Justin's day with dad and they have a tradition of going to the pet store. Justin, who has typically been a cat person, has been asking for a dog. Justin spotted this chocolate cocker and asked his dad "please please take home" "please buy dat"! Now I have puppy on the brain... my dad has a new puppy, my boss, my neighbor... I want a puppy so bad, but I soooo don't have the time to take care of one. I cannot get a dog! Thankfully they just petted the {adorable} puppy and did not adopt him. But then Jason sends me pictures, which is nice, but it just makes me long for puppy kisses. But then I am reminded of puppy messes and I feel better.