Wednesday, September 30, 2009

leftovers are actually good

Justin ate my Olive Garden leftovers from last night - and browsed my cupcake idea book. Otherwise it is just a typical Wednesday here.

Monday, September 28, 2009

3 Cheers!

Fixed my wireless connection! Now I can surf the web from the comfort of the sofa!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

loves trains

The train tracks are probably the most used toys in the house. As of late Justin has a system for setting up a new layout. First he pulls together all the little signs and train cars, then he either piles up the track pieces or lays them out side by side. Next he goes to work linking the pieces together - sometimes in a circle and other times just one long curvy route. After the tracks are put together he places his signs around the tracks. He also positions cars along the tracks as well - like in the picture above you can see the little blue car waiting for the train. Next the cars hit the track. I am always {always} tripping over tracks and bridges and such, but as soon as we pick all the pieces up, Justin is ready to build another track layout. So I just accept the fact that there will almost always be a train wreck on the floor.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chocolate Stout Cupcakes strike again!

I staged a little photoshoot on the table and before I knew it I had little Justin fingers crawling up the table to the prize.

I wouldn't let him have the one I was taking a picture of, so he stole another off the counter. Funny thing is... he only likes the cake part - I always have to take the yummy ganache and frosting part off for him.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Adventures in babysitting

I watched Jimmy for a little bit this evening so that Jamie could take Scott out for a birthday dinner. Scott's birthday is Saturday, so the boys and I whipped up some cupcakes... They were both very eager helpers.

This picture tells such a fantastic story, I just love it! Justin wanted to take his evening bath. Okay. I figured I could bathe Justin and at the same time Jimmy and I could play trains {or something} - as soon as I started the bath water Jimmy was naked and in the tub. Justin as you can tell - not thrilled.... Justin eventually warmed up to the idea of sharing his bath though.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Me: Justin, what should I take a picture of today?
Justin: Me! Take two pictures me.
Me: Okay
Justin: As seen above, poses, says "cheese" does a few more poses then walks away.
Me: You're so cute!
Justin: Yes, I so cute!

Justin was moving around so much that he was blurry in each picture I snapped, but I don't care. I am just glad he is willing to make a photo of the day suggestion and actively participate in my little blog. He's a good boy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

gettin' a chicken...

I asked Justin to tell me what he was doing. There is a metal rooster hanging on the dining room wall opposite of where Justin was in the kitchen. Justin was shootin' down some dinner for us. The happy dance that he did after "gettin' da chicken" was priceless!

bonus pic

This is a picture of Justin and Emily taken at daycare. Emily calls Justin her "boyfriend" and it the sweetest thing ever! You can just see this little girl light up when Justin shows up each day. She is really quite smitten with my boy. Can't say the both look too thrilled in this picture though - it was a little photo op orchestrated by Auntie at daycare - but it sure is cute.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

bonus pics

More cell phone pics from Jason - looks like Justin is having a good time at his dad's place. This is good to see. Looks like fun!

I miss him.

Jason sent me this picture today and I just had to post it. It cracks me up! The look on Justin's face, the Starbucks cup, his favorite white shirt. Too cute for words.

Monday, September 21, 2009

and so it begins.....

Tomorrow is the first day of fall. The leaves are just starting to fall off the tree in the front. The weather though has been quite hot and windy. The transition of summer into fall is my favorite time of year.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's a miracle!

3 trips to IKEA later... the dresser stands!
I have never been so frustrated with a piece of furniture in my life!
Feeling a little accomplished about it all though.

Friday, September 18, 2009

the good, the bad, the ugly

The Good:
{Finally} biting the bullet and going to IKEA to exchange the extra dresser pieces - which meant a ride on the MAX. And a ride on the MAX = a happy Justin!
We also randomly ran into Julie {roommate} and her boyfriend at YoCream Frozen Yogurt, which was a fun coincidence.

The BAD:
It took forever at the exchange counter! They were nice about it all and the process was easy, but the wait left Justin and I feeling a little impatient. Then on the drive home {at 9:00 pm} they were merging 3 lanes of traffic into one on I-205. I just wanted to get home and so did Justin. Justin was asking me every 2 seconds "what's happening?" I tried to explain that I didn't know but that I thought they were doing road work. Regardless of what I said Justin kept asking... my frustration grew with the crappy traffic and the endless stream of the same question....

I bring the new dresser pieces into the house and realize that half of the new pieces are still wrong! I was very careful to note what I needed, but I still ended up with wrong parts - which means we have to go back to IKEA. Now even before I realized I still had bad parts, I had declared IKEA "hell on earth" and declared I would not return for a long long time. Looks like a trip back is in my near future. I kinda want to load the entire dresser up and just take it back. Or maybe I should have kept all the extra parts and made a bond fire in the back yard.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


This is what happens when you try to edit pictures on the computer and a little boy has a container full of Thomas the Train and SpongeBob stickers...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

6 lbs of cute

This is Rylie, she is 3 weeks old and is a 6lb 2 oz little doll of a baby girl. I really enjoyed taking her pictures today. I didn't have the best light and am planning to go back on Saturday to get some more shots. She was such a good little girl.

Monday, September 14, 2009

random words

This picture in no way represents my day today, it is random, it is unexciting. Some days as I am enjoying life I don't think twice about photos. A picture is worth a thousand words, but for today, words will have to do. This evening I played a great game of shuffle board - I am sure my win was all beginners luck - but it sure was fun. Then I got my ass handed to me in a very friendly competitive game of Miss PacMan. But I have no pictures to prove it, so I will write about it and hope that my words will remind me of the fun I had.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Today we {Jamie and I} made cupcakes in the image of Kirby. Now I actually have no clue what or who Kirby is - I just know that he is pink and round. The cool thing about these is that it was our first experience with fondant. And the experience was not only worthwhile, but great!

While Jamie and I destroyed the kitchen and dining room, the boys played together and subsequently destroyed the living room. Later they were jumping from the inside to the outside which I thought was super cute! Here they are catching some air! Wheeeeee!

Friday, September 11, 2009



I brought out my pumpkin candles today, even though it was in the high 80s today and still felt like summer. My house smells like fall! I love it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


9 {totally random} things for this ninth day of the ninth month of '09

1. I smell fall in the air and I love it!
2. I really didn't want to unload my dishwasher tonight, but I did anyway.
3. There is an owl tea pot set that I found in a catalog, that I really really want.
4. I have the post vacation blues.
5. I love that Justin is starting to ask "why?" or "how come?" or "what happened?" - but hate that I never seem to have an answer that he won't follow up with another question to.
6. I had lots of vegetables for dinner tonight, but need to eat more fruit.
7. I am counting down the days 'til Starbucks has eggnog lattes.
8. I am running behind on almost everything I need to get done.
9. I love love these bowls from Anthropologie!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Right now the song of choice for getting his groove on his "Holding out for a Hero" from the Footloose soundtrack. This song has a very specific, very energetic dance. One evening last week, Justin took his boombox into the garage {while the door was open} and did a little performance. The neighbors were stunned to see shy Justin busting a serious move.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Infants are a lot of work!

Today I watched Jordan for 6ish hours. She slept the first hour, then kept me busy with 3 messy diapers, about 4 bottles, and lots of holding and rocking - girl didn't want to be put down! She is starting to smile and "talk". She is a very easy baby, but still a lot of work. Hard to believe that Justin was ever that little.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

he's so charming

Lynn, Linda and Ashley came for a visit today. I think Justin really impressed and charmed his grandparents and aunt - as it has been awhile since we've seen each other. Justin and Ashley played the Wii for a bit and we also put together some puzzles. I am very thankful they came up to see us.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

nearly 700 miles later

I missed my boy. He wanted ice cream, so we went....
And boy, am I ever tired! This morning Amanda and I got up at about9:30 and headed out for some b-fast. Then we hit up the nail salon for mani-pedis. There was only one gal working, so it took forever. And then I totally had the "you have boyfriend?" moment. If you don't know what I am talking about... check out the video...

Friday, September 4, 2009

The tradition carries on....

The Dave Matthews Band - Gorge Amphitheatre

Proudest Monkey
Shake Me Like a Monkey
Lying In the Hands of God
You Might Die Trying
The Song That Jane Likes
Dancing Nancies
Why I Am
Dreaming Tree
Corn Bread
You and Me
Jimi Thing
Stay (Wasting Time)

Before the show, Amanda and I goofed off with the camera.

Played cards

Stared at the sky

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Irritated with a capital IKEA

I was feeling ambitious last night and thought I would try to get started putting Justin's new dresser together. I know that I have extra parts and I know I am missing parts, but I thought I would at least get started so that I knew exactly what I needed when I go back to the store to exchange my extra pieces for missing pieces. I took the frame of the dresser as far as I could. Next is to start assembling the drawers and see what I am missing there {4 drawer fronts for sure}.

On the plus side, Justin is super sweet and asked me to take his picture as he snuggled Paxil.
And not photographed, but worth a mention... Justin found some lipstick in the bathroom, smeared it on his lips, smeared some on my lips - then kissed all over my face to see the lipstick mouth prints, and then requested that I do the same! I cracked up big time! Not sure how he knew the lipstick would leave a mark after you kiss. Not sure that it matters how he knew, cause it was just too precious and sweet!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

wash me

Today's mission: Scrub 1.5 million bug carcasses from exterior of car.
Tomorrow's mission: Vacuum 8.9 million grains of sand from interior of car.

And only 16 more working hours left until Dave! Not that I am counting or anything.