Saturday, May 8, 2010

trains, cupcakes, books, caterpillar

Today was National Train Day.  Justin and I ventured down to Union Station to check out the trains.  Justin was quite excited to be going, some of his favorite YouTube videos feature the big orange train he is standing next too.  He could not wait to get out of the car and check it out - but it was very busy and crowded there so I think he lost his enthusiasm quickly.
It was such a beautiful day today.  After checking out the trains and Union Station we went and had a cupcake at Cupcake  Jones {I still stand behind my feeling that they suck}, then we went and had lunch {yes, we had dessert first}.  We also spent some time in Powel's picking out some new books.  It was a nice day with my favorite person. 

This afternoon Justin spotted this very fuzzy caterpillar in the yard and was simply amazed by it.  I was in the house at the time of discovery, but Justin was just thrilled and asked me to come outside right away to check something out.  He was full of questions about it and he even asked for me to feed it - I plucked some of the new leaves off the tree and while I was holding the fuzzy little thing it took quite a few bites out of the leafy greens. 
I am quite certain that Justin wanted me to take it inside and make it a "pet" - but I didn't want to go there, certain it would die. Justin played with the thing for well over an hour, poor thing was just passing through and really didn't want to hang out just in our yard. At one point when the critter had lost all of the white spiky fur that was once on its back I had to tell Justin to let it go on it way

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